New Information Society Technologies for Turkey

Bilkent University, after eighteen years of existence, is now one of the top universities in Turkey in terms of scientific research and publications, quality of education, art and cultural activities. Departments of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Computer Engineering of Bilkent University (BU-EECE) are its most prominent departments in terms of engineering education, research, publications, grantsmanship, ties with industry and impact on society. The integrated research efforts at BU-EECE are tightly coupled with eighteen of the twenty-five IST Strategic Objectives published in the 2nd update of the IST Work Programme. The main objective of IST-Turkey is to enhance the RTD capability of BU-EECE, and of Turkey at large, by reinforcing and proliferating the ongoing innovative IST-Research activities at BU-EECE so as to attain the second goal of more active participation in FP6 projects. These objectives naturally encompass the goals such as contribution to social and economic environment in Turkey, networking, spreading of excellence, training of young scientists and avoiding brain drain. Objectives will be achieved by mobilising and supplementing the resources at BU-EECE to involve more PhD students in IST research, acquire complementing equipment, and via enhanced interaction with Centres of similar research interests.