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Introduction to Rectangular Waveguides...

Rectangular waveguides are th one of the earliest type of the transmission lines. They are used in many applications. A lot of components such as isolators, detectors, attenuators, couplers and slotted lines are available for various standard waveguide bands between 1 GHz to above 220 GHz.

A rectangular waveguide supports TM and TE modes but not TEM waves because we cannot define a unique voltage since there is only one conductor in a rectangular waveguide. The shape of a rectangular waveguide is as shown below. A material with permittivity e and permeability m fills the inside of the conductor.

A rectangular waveguide cannot propagate below some certain frequency. This frequency is called the cut-off frequency.

Here, we will discuss TM mode rectangular waveguides and TE mode rectangular waveguides separately. Let’s start with the TM mode.

TM Modes

Consider the shape of the rectangular waveguide above with dimensions a and b (assume a>b) and the parameters e and m. For TM waves Hz = 0 and Ez should be solved from equation for TM mode;

Ñ2xy Ez0 + h2 Ez0 = 0

Since Ez(x,y,z) = Ez0(x,y)e-gz, we get the following equation,

If we use the method of separation of variables, that is Ez0(x,y)=X(x).Y(y) we get,

Since the right side contains x terms only and the left side contains y terms only, they are both equal to a constant. Calling that constant as kx2, we get;

where ky2=h2-kx2

Now, we should solve for X and Y from the preceding equations. Also we have the boundary conditions of;





From all these, we conclude that

X(x) is in the form of sin kxx, where kx=mp/a, m=1,2,3,…

Y(y) is in the form of sin kyy, where ky=np/b, n=1,2,3,…

So the solution for Ez0(x,y) is


From ky2=h2-kx2, we have;

For TM waves, we have

From these equations, we get


Here, m and n represent possible modes and it is designated as the TMmn mode. m denotes the number of half cycle variations of the fields in the x-direction and n denotes the number of half cycle variations of the fields in the y-direction.

When we observe the above equations we see that for TM modes in rectangular waveguides, neither m nor n can be zero. This is because of the fact that the field expressions are identically zero if either m or n is zero. Therefore, the lowest mode for rectangular waveguide TM mode is TM11 .

Here, the cut-off wave number is

and therefore,

The cut-off frequency is at the point where g vanishes. Therefore,

Since l=u/f, we have the cut-off wavelength,

At a given operating frequency f, only those frequencies, which have fc<f will propagate. The modes with f<fc will lead to an imaginary b which means that the field components will decay exponentially and will not propagate. Such modes are called cut-off or evanescent modes.

The mode with the lowest cut-off frequency is called the dominant mode. Since TM modes for rectangular waveguides start from TM11 mode, the dominant frequency is

The wave impedance is defined as the ratio of the transverse electric and magnetic fields. Therefore, we get from the expressions for Ex and Hy (see the equations above);

The guide wavelength is defined as the distance between two equal phase planes along the waveguide and it is equal to

which is thus greater than l, the wavelength of a plane wave in the filling medium.

The phase velocity is

which is greater than the speed of light (plane wave) in the filling material.

Attenuation for propagating modes results when there are losses in the dielectric and in the imperfectly conducting guide walls. The attenuation constant due to the losses in the dielectric can be found as follows:

TE Modes

Consider again the rectangular waveguide below with dimensions a and b (assume a>b) and the parameters e and m.

For TE waves Ez = 0 and Hz should be solved from equation for TE mode;

Ñ2xy Hz + h2 Hz = 0

Since Hz(x,y,z) = Hz0(x,y)e-gz, we get the following equation,

If we use the method of separation of variables, that is Hz0(x,y)=X(x).Y(y) we get,

Since the right side contains x terms only and the left side contains y terms only, they are both equal to a constant. Calling that constant as kx2, we get;

where ky2=h2-kx2

Here, we must solve for X and Y from the preceding equations. Also we have the following boundary conditions:

at x=0

at x=a

at y=0

at y=b

From all these, we get


From ky2=h2-kx2, we have;

For TE waves, we have

From these equations, we obtain


As explained before, m and n represent possible modes and it is shown as the TEmn mode. m denotes the number of half cycle variations of the fields in the x-direction and n denotes the number of half cycle variations of the fields in the y-direction.

Here, the cut-off wave number is

and therefore,

The cut-off frequency is at the point where g vanishes. Therefore,

Since l=u/f, we have the cut-off wavelength,

At a given operating frequency f, only those frequencies, which have f>fc will propagate. The modes with f<fc will not propagate.

The mode with the lowest cut-off frequency is called the dominant mode. Since TE10 mode is the minimum possible mode that gives nonzero field expressions for rectangular waveguides, it is the dominant mode of a rectangular waveguide with a>b and so the dominant frequency is


The wave impedance is defined as the ratio of the transverse electric and magnetic fields. Therefore, we get from the expressions for Ex and Hy (see the equations above);

The guide wavelength is defined as the distance between two equal phase planes along the waveguide and it is equal to

which is thus greater than l, the wavelength of a plane wave in the filling medium.

The phase velocity is

which is greater than the speed of the plane wave in the filling material.

The attenuation constant due to the losses in the dielectric is obtained as follows:

After some manipulation, we get


Consier a length of air-filled copper X-band waveguide, with dimensions a=2.286cm, b=1.016cm. Find the cut-off frequencies of the first four propagating modes.


From the formula for the cut-off frequency


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