Please give a grade 1(worst) to 10(best) to these images in terms of their similarity to the original Boats image  (Top left corner)
and record your grades in a file. While grading look both in constant color (low frequency) and also the details (edges, corners..) Color impulses, false textures in uniform regions as well as false contours are important. If you give the same grade two images please indicate which one you prefer by putting an asterisk or another sign by its grade.
When you have graded all the images please send an e-mail to or which includes your grades. You may use the following table as an example.
Image-Name  Grade
FS-Boats 16
LMS Boats 16
QRdiag-Boats Image
LMS diag Boats Image


 Original Boats Image  FS-Boats16  LMS-Boats16
 Original Boats Image   FS-Boats 16 LMS Boats 16
 QR-Boats  QRdiag-Boats  LMSdiag-Boats
QR-BoatsImage QRdiag-Boats Image LMS diag Boats Image