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- Firas Jabloun and A. Enis Cetin and Engin Erzin, ``Teager Energy
Based Feature Parameters for Speech Recognition in Car Noise,''
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Oct. 1999.
- M. Demirekler, A. E. Cetin, et.al., `Implementation of an
Enhanced Fixed Point Variable Bit-Rate
MELP Vocoder on TMS320C549', presented in IEEE ICASSP'99, Phoenix, AZ,
March 1999.
Jeho Nam, A. Enis Cetin, A. H. Tewfik, `Speech and Visual
Streams Analysis Based Video Sequence Segmentation'
{\em IEEE ICIP-97}, Santa Barbara, CA, October 1997.
Y. Yardimci, A. Enis Cetin, R. Ansari, `Data hiding in speech using
phase coding,' {\em Proceedings of Eurospeech'97 Conference}, Rhodes, Greece,
Sept. 22-25, 1997.
Engin Erzin, A. Enis Cetin, and Y. Yardimci, `Subband
Analysis for Robust Speech Recognition in the Presence of Car Noise'
in Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing 1995 (ICASSP '95) May, 1995.
- E. Erzin, A. Enis Cetin, ``Line Spectral Frequency
Representation of Subbands for Speech Recognition'', {\em Signal
Processing}, vol. 44, pp. 117-119, April 1995.
- E. Erzin and A. E. Cetin, `Interframe Differential Coding of
Line Spectrum Frequencies,'
{\em IEEE Trans. Speech and Audio Processing}, Vol. 3, No. 2,
pp. 350-352, April 1994.
- E. Erzin, A. E. Cetin, `Interframe differential vector coding of
line spectrum pairs,'
{\em IEEE International Conference on Acoust., Speech, and Signal
Processing (ICASSP'93),}
San Francisco, USA, May 1993.