Flat Edge
This model proposes a
solution to propagation concept in built up areas by assuming all of the
buildings to of equal height and spacing [1,2,3]. The values used can be average
values for the area under consideration or could be calculated separately when
urbanization varies significantly. The geometry for the model is shown in
figure 1. In this figure the value of w should be effective one to account for
the longer paths between the buildings for oblique incidence.
total path loss is defined as
L = Ln(t)+ LFS+ LE
Where LE represents single edge diffraction
over the final building and Ln represents multiple diffraction over
the remaining (n-1) buildings and LFS is free space loss.
is a function of parameter t, which is given by
where a is in radians, b and l are in meters.
For n ³ 1 (3)
Solution for Ln(t)
is the following formula :
where L0(t)=1
Ln(t) can be calculated from above equations or it may be
calculated by following approximate formula
where c1=3.29, c2=9.9, c3=0.77, c4=0.26.
For 1£ n£100 and -1£t<0.
This approximate formula deviates ± 1.5 dB from 3 for ranges of n and t given
building diffraction loss is obtained by following formula used in Ikegami
model [4].
Where j is the angle between the
street and the direct line from base to mobile and Lr=0.25 is the
reflection loss.
In the model, it is observed that for large number
of buildings, the model shows approximately same path loss exponent with
measurements. Change of path loss exponent with respect to number of buildings
is given in figure 2.
Figure 2 [1] Path Loss Exponent for the Flat Edge Model.
For small a value, and large number of
buildings, multiple building diffraction loss is kept up with measurements,
which have approximately 4 for path loss exponent. This is also shown by the
following study done by using Wireless Simulator Program.
Terrain Parameters: Average Width: 73.8 m Average Building Height: 16m Percentage of Buildings: 37% Study Parameters: Frequency: 900 MHz, TX Height (hb)=31m Mobile Height (hm)=1.5m TX Gain: 13 dBi City Size: Small/Medium Area Type: Modified Hata Path Loss :Open Area Modified Hata Path Loss (1): Suburban Area Modified Hata Path Loss (2): Urban Area
Figure 3 Comparison of Flat Edge Model with Modified Hata Model
As seen from the figure 3, as number of buildings is
increased flat edge model correlates very much with Modified Hata model for the
case when area type is open area. For the other area types suburban and urban area,
two models are uncorrelated. Thereby, this result is valid for the equal
heights of buildings.
Study Parameters: Frequency: 900 MHz, TX Height (hb)=51m Mobile Height (hm)=1.5m TX Gain: 13 dBi City Size: Small/Medium Area Type : Modified Hata Path Loss :Open Area Terrain Parameters: Average Width: 73.8 m Average Building Height: 16m Percentage of Buildings: 37%
order to show that flat edge model correlates with measurements when a is small, following study is done by using
Wireless Simulator Program. In this study, transmitter height is taken to be 51
m to have small grazing angle a at far distance.
Figure 4 Effects of grazing angle for path loss exponent
In figure 3, flat edge model
and Modified Hata model starts to correlate very well at distance about 2.5 km
when Transmitter height is 31 m. For the figure 4, highly correlation between
two models starts to occur at distance about 5km. These two studies prove that
flat edge model starts to behave as measurements for small grazing angle
Study shown in figure 5 is
done to show how flat edge model behaves for non-uniform building heights.
Study implies that for non-uniform building heights, flat edge model doesn’t
correlate with measurements even at higher number of buildings and smaller
grazing angles. This is resulted from diffraction loss approach proposed by the
model. Also, behavior of the model for non-uniform building heights is not
ordinary. As mobile gets further distance from the transmitter, it is expected
to have higher path loss. However, behavior of the model doesn’t keep up with
real time.
Terrain Parameters: Average Width: 73.8 m Average Building Height: 16m Percentage of Buildings: 37% Study Parameters: Frequency: 900 MHz, TX Height (hb)=51m Mobile Height (hm)=1.5m TX Gain: 13 dBi City Size: Small/Medium Area Type : Modified Hata Path Loss :Open Area
Figure 5 Comparison of two models
for non-uniform building heights
Lots of comparison of Flat
Edge model with measurements and other models are given in the literature.
Following figures are a few of them. In figure 6 and 7, comparison of Flat Edge
model with measurements and Hata urban models are given.
Figure 6 [3] Comparison of Flat Edge Model Figure 7[3] Comparison of Flat Edge Model
with measurements and Hata Urban Model with measurements and Hata Urban Model
at 1845 MHz
at 955 MHz.
At 1845 MHz, flat edge model
have a mean error of –0.6 dB and rms error of 6.1 dB and corresponding figure
for Hata Urban model at the same frequency has a mean error of 12.5 dB and 6.1
dB. For the frequency 955MHz, -0.6dB and 5.6 dB for flat edge, respectively 9.7
dB and 5.5 dB for the Flat Edge model.
these results summarize that if mean width and mean buildings heights are
available Flat Edge Model makes an appropriate prediction.
For the irregular spacing and
building heights, Vogler [5,6] proposed a fairly accurate solution to the
problem, by calculating diffraction loss at each building edge, which requires
multiple integral whose dimension is equal to number of buildings. Detailed
explanation of Vogler method is given in appendix II. Since Vogler method is
not efficient computationally, some methods, which approximate the problem by
skipping a few of the edges, are recommended. One of these methods is proposed
by Saunders [3] whose method, called hybrid method, rely on following
resulting field strength is found by using method given IIIB in[3] and call
this as E2.
Then, the
overall field strength is found as
A comparison of this method with measurements is given in the following figure 8.
Figure 8 [3] Comparison of hybrid method with
measurements at 933 MHz
[1] Sounders, Simon.R., “ Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication Systems”,Wiley,New York,1999
[2] Saunders, S.R., and Bonar, F.R., “ Explicit multiple-building diffraction attenuation function for mobile radio wave propagation”, Electron.Letts., Vol.27, No.14,1991, pp.1276-1277
[3] Saunders, S.R., and Bonar, F.R., “ Prediction of Mobile Radio Wave Propagation over Buildings of Irregular Heights and Spacings”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat, Vol.42,No.2,1994,pp.137-143
[4] F.Ikegami, T.Takeuchi, and S.Yoshida, “Theoretical prediction of mean field strength for Urban Mobile Radio”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., Vol.39, No.3, 1991
[5] L.E. Vogler, “ The attenuation of Electromagnetic waves by multiple knife-edge diffraction”,NTIA Rep., Natl.Telecommun. and Inf. Admin, Boulder,Colo,1981.
[6] L.E. Vogler, “ An attenuation function for multiple knife-edge diffraction”, Radio Science,Vol.17,No.6,1982,pp.1541-1546