1.      Definition of Interface Elements

1.1    Menu Items

1.1.1            Add Menu

1.1.2            Remove Menu


1.1.3            View Menu


1.1.4            Plot Type Menu


1.1.5            Calculate Menu


1.2    Graph Panel

1.3    Terrain List

1.4    View All check Box

1.5    Scaling Buttons

2.      How to add a Result to Graph Panel

  1. How to add a Terrain to Graph Panel
  2. How to add Grid
  3. How to Remove Grid
  4. How to remove a Result from Graph Panel
  5. How to remove terrain from Graph Panel
  6. How to see terrain data
  7. How to see result data
  8. How to see log file
  9. How to change plot type
  10. How to calculate terrain parameters
  11. How to scale plot
  12. How to see all results for all terrains
  13. How to Exit from plot program




1. Definition of Interface Elements

          In figure 1.1, a demonstration of the interface elements is given.



                                                         Figure 1.1 Demonstrations of Interface Elements


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   1.1 Menu Items

   This menu contains Add, Remove, View, Plot Type, Calculate and Help Menu. Detailed information for each item given below:

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 1.1.1 Add Menu

        As seen in figure below, add menu contains Result (see 2) , Terrain (see 3), Grid(see 3) and Exit (see 15) menu items. Functions for each item is given in linked sub sections.

                                                                  Figure Add Menu


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 1.1.2 Remove Menu

 As seen in figure, Remove menu contains terrain (see 7) and results (see 6) menu item. Function of the menu items  is given in linked sub sections.



                                                                                                                Figure Remove Menu



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   1.1.3 View Menu

As seen in figure, View menu contains terrain data (see 8), result data (see 9) and log file (10). Function of the menu items is given in linked sub sections.


                                                                                                Figure View Menu



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  1.1.4 Plot Type Menu

                As seen in figure, View menu contains terrain (see 11) and result (see 11). Function of the menu items is given in linked sub sections.


                                                                                            Figure Plot Type



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1.1.5 Calculate Menu  

As seen in figure, calculate menu contains terrain parameters (see 12). Function of the menu items is given in linked sub sections.

                                                              Figure Calculate Menu




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1.2 Graph Panel

As seen in figure 1.2.1 , graph panel is used to show study results. User could see up to 8 plot on the graph panel and each is in different color for version 1.0.


                                                                                                Figure 1.2.1 Graph Panel



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  1.3 Terrain List

This list contains all terrain names used in study and when selected study result related to selected terrain will be shown or will be active in menu.


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  1.4 View All Check Box

This is used to see all results when any terrain is selected. In version 1.0, when this item is selected, this item will be disabled for later uses.


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  1.5 Scaling Buttons

This buttons are used to scale the plot.

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2. How to add a Result to Graph Panel

In order to add a result to graph panel, from add menu result menu item is used. The selected  study result for selected terrain from terrain list will be added to graph panel. It should be known that when a result is added to panel it cannot be added again. At most 7 study result could be added to graph panel

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3. How to add a Terrain to Graph Panel

 In order to add a terrain to the graph panel, from add menu terrain menu item is used. The selected terrain from terrain list will be added to results.

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4. How to add Grid

In order to add grid to graph panel, from add menu, grid menu item state is changed to on state .

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5. How to remove Grid

In order to remove grid from graph panel, from add menu, grid menu item state is changed to off state.



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6. How to remove a Result from Graph Panel

In order to remove a result from graph panel, from remove menu, result menu item is used. The selected item from result menu item will be removed from graph panel.


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7. How to remove terrain from Graph Panel

In order to remove terrain from graph panel, terrain menu item from remove menu is used. Terrain on graph panel will be removed when this item is clicked.

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8. How to see terrain data

In order to see terrain data, terrain data item from view menu is used. After this item clicked following frame will appear.



                                                                        Figure 8.1 terrain data frame


After clicking on see data button, data of selected terrain from terrain list will appear.



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9. How to see result data

In order to see result data, after clicking on selected study from result item in view menu , following figure will appear.




                                                                                                Figure 9.1 Result Data,


After clicking on see data button, study data for selected study  selected terrain from terrain list will appear.


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10. How to see log file

In order to see log file, from view menu log file menu item is clicked. Print option for log file will be available in later versions.


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11. How to change plot type

In order to change plot type, desired menu item is selected for plot type from plot type menu item.


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12. How to calculate terrain parameters

In order to see terrain parameters for selected terrain, terrain parameters menu item from calculate menu is clicked. After clicking , following figure will appear.





                                                           Figure 12.1 calculate terrain parameters.


As seen in figure above, at the left bottom, average height and average width of the selected terrain from terrain list is given.



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13. How to scale plot

In order to scale plot in graph panel, scaling buttons are used.

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14. How to see all results for all terrains


In order to see all results for all terrains, view all results check box state is changed to on. After changing state to on, check box will be disable and will not give opportunity to turn it off.


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15. How to Exit from plot program


In order to exit from program, exit menu item from add menu is used.

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