Bilkent UniversityElectrical and Electronics Engineering |
Born in Erzurum, Turkey on 31-01-1982.
EDUCATIONPhD. 2003- 2009: Bilkent University Department: Electrical & Electronics Engineering
B.S.1999-2003: Middle East Technical University Department: Electrical & Electronics Engineering
High School1992-1999: Ankara Çankaya Milli Piyango High School
RESEARCH INTERESTS Coding Theory, Rateless Coding, Information Theory, Communication Systems, WiMAX
WORK EXPERIENCE BILKENT UNIVERSITY, Ankara TURKEY - Post-doctoral Researcher, 2009 - present - Part-time Lecturer, 2009 - present - Research and Teaching Assistant, 2003 - 2009
TUBITAK-BILTEN, METU, Ankara, TURKEY – VLSI Design - Summer Trainee, 2002
ASELSAN, Ankara, TURKEY – Microelectronics & System Technologies - Summer Trainee, 2001
INVOLVED PROJECTS WiMAGIC: Worldwide Interoperability Microwave Broadband Access System for Next Generation Wireless Communications This project is an industry-driven multidisciplinary research project which aims at developing innovative solutions for future evolutions of WiMAX systems towards higher capacity, higher mobility and higher performance. It gathers 6 partner organizations from industry and 7 universities.(
NEWCOM : Network of Excellence in Communications NEWCOM (Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications) aims at creating a European network that links in a cooperative way a large number of leading research groups addressing the Strategic Objective "Mobile and wireless systems beyond 3G", a frontier research area of the Priority Thematic Area of IST. (
3DTV : Integrated Three-Dimensional Television - Capture, Transmission, and Display The primary objective of this project is to align European researchers with diverse experience and activity in distinct, yet complementary, areas so that an effective network for achieving full scale 3D video capabilities integrated seamlessly to a more general information technology base (like internet) is established and kept functional for a long time. ( |
This site was last updated 04.03.2009