
Caglar Tunc
M.S. Student, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Dept.
06800 Bilkent Ankara Turkey


Journal Publications

  1. C. Tunc and N. Akar, "Mapping Time-Varying IP Traffic to Flexible Optical Paths in Flexgrid Optical Networks", Photonic Network Communications, vol. 29, no. 1, pp: 67-77, 2015.

Journal Publications under Review

  1. C. Tunc and N. Akar, "Fixed-point Analysis of a Network of Routers with Persistent TCP/UDP Flows and Class-based Weighted Fair Queuing", Telecommunication Systems, 2015.

Working Papers

  1. C. Tunc and N. Akar, "Finite-Horizon Battery Outage Probability in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Nodes", to be submitted to IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2015.
  2. N. Akar, C. Tunc, M. A. Gaertner and F. Erden, "Disk Scheduling with Shortest Cumulative Access Time First Algorithms", to be submitted to Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 2015.

Refereed Conference Publications

  1. C. Tunc and N. Akar, "Efficient Transport of Time-Varying IP Traffic in Flexi-grid Optical Networks", IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), pp. 1555-1558, April 23-25, 2014.


  • C. Tunc, "Fluid Queue-Based Analysis of Wireless Sensor Nodes", M.S. Thesis, in progress.

 Last Update:December, 2015